Corporate Technology & Marketing Specialists

After the training I filled a prescription via phone for the first time in my life! I wouldn’t have been able to do it without this study. It was great!
Quote from a participant in a 2015/2016 study at the Center on Aging and the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the University of Miami led by Sara J. Czaja, PhD and Philip D. Harvey, PhD.
i-Function® in the news
“Wisham says her two months of brain training “made her feel great.” Ticking off the tasks in her cognitive-training program gave her a boost in confidence and made her feel more capable. It also got her out of her apartment and helped her to meet new people. “It made me feel great. I’d definitely do it again,” she says.”
Quote from Ms. Sandra Wisham, a participant in the i-Function® cognitive training program. Wall Street Journal Market Watch; Published: June 10, 2019;
“New Ideas in Retirement”